EPL Sports Reservation Agreement

This reservation agreement clearly sets out the responsibilities that EPL Sports tours LLC have to you, and which in turn you have to us when a contract is made between us. Upon accepting the terms below a contract exists between us under which we accept responsibility to provide all services as described.

1) You Pay a Deposit

By agreeing to this contract, you are confirming the provisional booking of your tour and agree to pay all payments as specified.

2) You Pay the Balance

The final payment must be paid at least 10 weeks prior to the departure date. If the balance is not paid within this timeframe, we cannot guarantee your arrangements and if it is necessary to cancel your tour, we will retain deposits/payments and apply the appropriate cancellation charges.

3) Free Cancellation

On all tours, we are pleased to offer FREE CANCELLATION of your tour package (excluding flights). For the cancellation to be valid, EPL Sports Tours LLC must receive written confirmation of your cancellation 120 days or more prior to the departure date of your tour (the written confirmation must include names and DOB’s of all individual participants cancelling). Refunds can take up to 8 weeks & flight payments are NOT included within this cancellation offer (please read terms & conditions for your chosen airline and check their refund policies). If the reason for cancellation is covered by your own personal travel insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim some of the airline charges through your own personal travel insurance policy.

4) Travel Protection

Terms of cancellation

Timeframe prior to departure, in which written cancellation is received The % amount refunded based on total tour package price only (excluding all flights
71 to 119 days50% refunded
36 - 70 days25% refunded
1 - 35 days10% refunded

5) Conditions of carriage

When you travel on an aircraft, train or ship the conditions of carriage of that carrier and are subject to national and international conditions which may limit or exclude liability. Your contract under the terms of this Agreement is subject to law and jurisdiction.

6) Insurance

Travel insurance (loss of luggage, flight cancellation, re-scheduling, pandemics etc) is optional and is recommended by us. We require proof of health insurance (copy medical card) for each member of your tour group and confirmation that your insurance coverage will be effective in Europe. Please feel free to contact one of our partners TRAWICK INTERNATIONAL ( for a competitive quote on all your travel insurance needs.

7) Passports

For all international tours you will require a full valid passport (with over 6 months validity from the tour end date), or parties can travel on a collective passport providing applicants are under the age of 18 (application forms are available from your regional passport office). If there are any doubts as to the status as a resident of any member of your party, you must check with the Embassies or Consulates of the countries to be visited to confirm the passport or visa requirements needed in each particular circumstance. We cannot accept responsibility if passengers are not in possession of the correct travel documents, which include visas.

8) Force Majeure

We regret we cannot accept liability, make any refunds or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of contractual obligations is prevented or affected by reason of circumstances amounting to ‘force majeure’ including any event that which we or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not even with all due care, foresee or forestall such as (by way of example and not by way of limitation) war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, pandemics, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, acts of God, adverse weather conditions and all similar even. EPL Sports Tours LLC will undertake reasonable efforts to minimize such costs and to make alternate arrangements where possible.

9) Covid requirements

Any testing requirements for travel or during your tour are not included as part of your tour cost. EPL Sports Tour are not responsible for any costs associated with isolation / quarantine requirements. No refunds are offered if you are required to isolate or quarantine during your tour.


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